The Garden Club

Blooming Bouquets
Celebrating Over 90 Years!
"From December to March, there are for many of us three gardens - the garden outdoors, the garden of pots and bowls in the house, and the garden of the mind's eye." - Katherine S. White
Our 2023- 2024
Executive Board
President -
1st Vice President -
2nd Vice President -
Treasurer -
Assistant Treasurer -
Recording Secretary -
Corresponding Secretary -
Mary Wheeler
Mary Ann Hoar
Maura Costa
Cy Howe
Linda Hampson
Sharon Safferstone
Lynne Drummond
Founded in 1932 by 25 women who loved to garden, the objectives of the GCOH remain the same as in those early days 86 years ago:
To stimulate interest in gardening and horticulture and to beautify Harwich through education, conservation and cooperation with civic authorities.